It can provide certain reference for solution of brass pipe corrosion still occurred in power plant, and the safety, economic and high-efficiency operation of power plant. 对于解决目前我国电厂仍然大量存在的铜管腐蚀现象及事故,电厂的安全、经济、高效的运行有着一定的作用。
The multifunctional toilet bowl employs one-hole type sewer pipe still, which is convenient for installing and using for the existing toilets. 本多用式座便器仍采用一孔式下水管,方便现有卫生间的安装和使用。
Standard ( conventional) port balls are up to one pipe size smaller than nominal pipe size, but still have significantly better flow than globe valves. 标准(普通)流道球阀的流道直径小于管道的公称通径,但是与截止阀相比,仍然具有好的多的流动效率。
The technology of blast furnace gas low temperature combustion and pipe still energy-saving and discharge reduction was studied in the paper. 本文对高炉煤气低温燃烧和管式炉节能减排技术进行了研究。
Today, raw material billets, steel prices rose once again pull, cost-push pipe prices still rising demand, the prices of short-term business planning possible again. 今日原料钢坯、带钢价格再次拉涨,成本推动焊管价格仍存在上涨的需求,短期内商家价格有酝酿再次补涨的可能。
The experiments show that this new type of micro heat pipe has bright application prospects, but an in-depth study of its operating mechanism is still needed. 这种新型的微热管具有良好的应用前景,但是对于其机理还需要更深入的研究。
As the PVC provides an excellent price-performance ratio, PVC pipe will still be one of the main varieties to produce and use in the world in future. 由于PVC提供了良好的性能价格比,未来PVC管材仍是世界塑料管材生产使用的主要品种之一。
Good brittle resistance at low temperature, PE pipe never be ruptured in winter constructing. Squeeze them to make sure they're still pliable, 'not brittle. 低脆性温极低,冬季施工时,因材料抗冲击好,不会发生管子脆裂。用手挤压一下,以确认软管仍柔韧而不脆裂。
I told her to pipe down but she still babbled on. 我叫她闭嘴,可她还是唠叨个没完。
The idiom of "a pipe dream" has now become wildly known around China, but the story still remained unfamiliar to most people. 黄粱一梦这个成语可谓家喻户晓,但是故事并不是每个人都熟悉。
By means of analysis on reasons of pressure fluctuation in benzol separator and unstable light oil quality, the measures of stabilizing level at the sump of benzol separator and of improving pipe still structure etc are taken, the ideal effect has been achieved. 通过对两苯塔塔压波动和轻苯质量不稳定原因的分析,采取了稳定塔底液位和改进管式炉结构等措施,取得了理想的效果。
However, because of the coating law production iron pipe of the heavy-calibre, which is still new-type technology, and has this or that questions, some enterprises, especially, new enterprises in the quality control of the products, which have some defects. 但由于涂料法生产大口径球铁管属新型技术,在产品质量控制上还存在问题,一些企业尤其是新生产企业,产品存在一些缺陷。
This article from the pipe, people management and starting to explore its meaning profound meaning that the management and modernization of the management of enterprises in the era of knowledge economy still has a positive relevance. 本文从《管子》人心管理的思想出发,探讨了其蕴涵的深刻含义,认为这一管理思想在知识经济时代企业的现代化管理中仍然具有积极的现实意义。
Some shortcut flow near the inlet of vent-pipe still occurs. 在排气管入口附近仍存在一定程度的短路流动。
Various properties of the UPVC service pipe are still up to national standard at 26.6% high filler level; 在填充量高达26.6%的情况下,UPVC给水管的各项性能指标均达到国家标准;
Although there are some problems with pipe dual water supply, pipe dual water supply is still a beneficial attempt for solving the water supply problem. 实施管道分质供水虽然也存在着若干问题,但仍不失是解决城镇供水中存在矛盾的一种有益尝试。
After welded pipes are treated by reducing tension mills known as "welded pipe seamless process". There are still some differences between welded pipe and seamless pipe in quality index. 焊管经张力减径机处理后有人称之为焊管无缝化,这种焊管与无缝钢管在一些质量指标上仍存在差异。
For a long time, monitoring the level of municipal drainage pipe in our nation is a problem. And there is still no proper method of realizing this goal especially in a harsh environment. 长期以来,我国市政管网排水管道液位监测一直是个难题,始终没有找到一种合适的方法,实现在排水管道这一复杂环境的水位实时监测。
Heat pipe heat in the application inside the transformer is still very little research derived, from the experimental to the theoretical analysis, numerical simulation, has yet to be in-depth study. 热管在变压器内散热的应用目前还极少有研究推导,因此从实验和理论分析、数值模拟上还有待深入研究。
However, cement mixing anchor pipe construction technology is not yet mature, the study on the working mechanism is still blank, designed to mainly depend on experience. 但是水泥搅拌锚管的施工工艺尚不成熟,工作机理研究至今尚是空白,设计主要依靠经验进行。